Stephanie Cain
Stephanie Cain
Class Year
Current home
San Francisco, California
Graphic Design, Studio Art
Current Position
2016 Fellow for Code for America
Stephanie Cain graduated cum laude from Carthage in 2012 with a degree in studio art and graphic design. Now a web designer living in Evergreen, Colorado, Ms. Cain was one of 18 individuals nationwide selected to be a 2016 Code for America Fellow.
Code for America Fellows serve communities across the country to develop digital approaches to delivering public services. Ms. Cain and her teammates are working with a local government to develop a digital tool that addresses a key service in economic development.
Prior to her work with Code for America, Ms. Cain worked as a visual information specialist for the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, a bureau within the Department of the Interior.
“I enjoy working with governments because the need for strong design is so great, and it can positively impact such a wide range of people,” she says.
How did Carthage prepare you?
“Often throughout my Carthage experience, I was challenged to ask questions and find the answers for myself. Although that was uncomfortable at times, it really helped me develop skills for self-motivation and problem-solving that have become essential in my career.”
How has your liberal arts education benefitted you?
“I began my career as a web design intern, having taken only one class in web design while at Carthage. Almost immediately, we began a major web redesign, and I was challenged to push my skills further and learn more about the web than I had ever known before. Carthage instilled in me the value of constant learning, and now in addition to being a designer, I’m also fluent in several coding languages!”
What's your favorite Carthage memory?
“One of my favorite classes at Carthage was Graphic Design Senior Seminar because we became a close-knit group. We ended up putting on an event called Style Your Sole, where attendees purchased and decorated TOMS shoes. Putting on that event really developed my passion for using design to serve my community.”
Tips for current Carthage students?
“Be prolific rather than perfect, and never stay in your comfort zone.”